Kamis, 12 September 2013

Benefits of Green Tea for Cancer

Benefits of Green Tea to drink belle today. High antioxidant content in it is believed to help overcome health problems. In fact, there are other types of tea are also very useful.

Black tea to be one alternative for you who want to stay healthy by using natural ingredients. China, India, is the country that prefer to consume this tea than green tea. Black tea has many benefits for your body. People who consume black tea had a lower risk for heart disease. An institute in the Netherlands even researching about the benefits of black tea for heart health and reduce the likelihood of stroke.

Benefits of Green Tea for Cancer

Benefits of Green Tea for Cancer

There are many ways to prevent breast cancer, in addition to eating red fruits. Other ways to consume green tea on a regular basis.

Whether you eat in warm or hot, one to two cups of green tea a day can prevent you from the risk of breast cancer. The reason, green tea has epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and catechin are as strong as that attack cancer cells. In addition, EGCG can inhibit the growth of breast cancer.

Keep in mind, most patients with breast cancer is higher in countries whose citizens consume lots of salt and tobacco, such as Indonesia.

Well, the caffeine content in green tea and antioxidants proven to protect and keep the immune system that are not easily hurt. Caffeine content and antioxidant in green tea is one third of the existing content of the coffee, as quoted from okezone.com.

Similarly, Columbia University Medical Center have found that women who consumed a green tea will help boost growth to decline. Of course this is good, because hepatocyte always dihubungankan by doctors as pematik breast cancer in women.

Thus, it would not hurt you begin consuming green tea. Not only the physical health benefits of green tea also keep you from the risk of breast cancer. That is some of the Benefits of Green Tea for Cancer.

Selasa, 03 September 2013

Health Benefits of Lemon Water You Should Know

Health Benefits of Lemon Water: Rather than just be a decoration, it would be better if the slices of lemon on the rim of the glass is squeezed into a drink that was served. Several types of diseases can be treated by relying on the content of vitamins and minerals present in lemon juice. Lemon also has the effect of antiseptic to cleanse the organs of various microbes and free radicals.

But keep in mind, lemon water that has passed through the packaging process or pasteurization will not be much help. If you want to get the maximum benefits, make sure the water is the result of lemon juice from a fresh lemon. Avoid water or drink bottled lemon flavor than lemon, because you will not get the benefits. Here some of the benefits of lemon water.

Health Benefits of Lemon Water

Health Benefits of Lemon Water

Lose weight

Regular drinking lemon water opens the way to lose weight faster. Utilizing lemon juice mixed with warm water and honey, it can also help reduce weight.
Control high blood pressure

Lemon juice work like magic potions, especially for people who have heart problems, because of the high potassium content in it. Diets high in potassium are also believed to help control high blood pressure, dizziness, nausea, helps relaxation of the mind, reduces mental stress and depression.
Help cure respiratory disorders

Lemon juice helps in curing respiratory problems, especially in people with asthma.
treat arthritis

Lemon has diuretic properties that can help treat rheumatism and arthritis, by removing bacteria and toxins from the body.
Relieves fever

Lemon juice can cure a person suffering from flu or fever, with increased sweat production.
blood purifier

Diseases such as cholera or malaria can be treated with lemon water as it has properties as a blood purifier.

How much should I drink?

If you are in good health condition and body weight of 70 kg or less, it is advisable to squeeze half a lemon and serve it into a glass of water. Drink twice a day. However, if you weigh more than 70 kg, squeeze one whole lemon into a glass of water. For maximum benefit, drink twice a day.  That is some of Health Benefits of Lemon Water.